Bike & Kit: Equipment





Essential kit to carry on the bike

Find out what you should carry with you every time you head out on your bike.

Knowledge Level: Beginner

Published on: 03/12/2014

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Buying an indoor trainer

Turbo, rolllers or stationary bike? Find out which type of indoor trainer to choose that will suit you best.

Knowledge Level: Beginner

Published on: 08/10/2014

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Do I need a heart rate monitor?

In this feature we look at whether you really need a heart rate monitor.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 19/02/2014

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Buying bike lights

With so many bike lights on the market, what features should you look for to ensure you’ve got optimal lighting for the riding you do?

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 08/10/2013

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Choosing road tyres

Tyre choice, maintenance and set-up can have a significant affect on your cycling. Follow this advice to get the most out of your tyres.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 15/01/2013

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