Bike & Kit: Equipment





Looking after your chain

Whether on road, off-road or on the track, your chain is the key link that translates your effort into speed. Neglect it and you risk limiting performance and costing yourself hefty maintenance bills.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 03/12/2018

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Aero gains for all

Whether you are riding your local club 10-mile time trial, a sportive or a circuit race, the air you are riding through is one of your most significant adversaries. Beat it by following these tips for cheating the wind.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 06/05/2015

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What to carry when mountain biking

The essential kit and spares you should carry every time you head out on the trails.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 04/02/2015

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Do I need a heart rate monitor?

In this feature we look at whether you really need a heart rate monitor.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 19/02/2014

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Buying bike lights

With so many bike lights on the market, what features should you look for to ensure you’ve got optimal lighting for the riding you do?

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 08/10/2013

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Choosing road tyres

Tyre choice, maintenance and set-up can have a significant affect on your cycling. Follow this advice to get the most out of your tyres.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 15/01/2013

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