NTC 25
Get involved in the governance of British Cycling

Get involved in the governance of British Cycling

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British Cycling has been at the heart of an unprecedented cycling boom in recent years, with millions of people getting on their bikes for fun, fitness or competition.

As in any sport, the organisation’s success is underpinned by the dedication and enthusiasm of our members who can have a key role in the governance of British Cycling.  If you have aspirations to be a board member, or simply want to have your views heard, here is a quick guide to how you can get involved with British Cycling and help shape the immediate and long-term future of our sport.

Join your club’s committee

Clubs are at the heart of organisational activity and the club’s committee is an ideal way to learn more about the structure of the sport and from there to begin a journey that in British Cycling can take you all the way up to the presidency. .

Get nominated for your regional council

A regional council is an assembly of delegated club membersa  that meets normally on two occasions within the calendar year - the region’s Annual General Meeting and then prior to national council to discuss any propositions and nominations on the agenda and to consider British Cycling’s annual report.

Affiliated clubs and other organisations are entitled to nominate representatives (known as regional councillors) to attend a regional council meeting. The number of 'regional councillors' your club can have (up to five per club) is based on the number of British Cycling members you have in your club. In order to seek nomination to attend your regional council, you just have to be a member of British Cycling and a member of a club or other affiliated organisation.

a - British Cycling members who are not members of a club or affiliated organisation can also attend a regional council meeting with up to 5 votes being eligible from such attendees.

Become a regional board member and/or a national councillor

The Annual General Meeting of a regional council incorporates elections to the regional board and also the election of national councillors who are entitled to attend and vote at a General Meeting of National Council. The AGM of a regional council is normally held in September every year.

A nomination from your club or from within the regional council can see you considered for election and further details can be found within the Memorandum and Articles of Association as well as the Byelaws. Both can be downloaded here.

Click here for a list of regional contacts.

Contact your regional board

If you have a question or a suggestion for your regional board, follow the regional link found by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ tab on the British Cycling website, from there you can email the indicated regional contact.

Attend national council

Any British Cycling member is entitled to attend a General Meeting of National Council - although to take part in the business of the meeting you have to be a national councillor (see above) or have the leave of the meeting. Members receive an invite directly with the agenda available at least 21 days before the meeting.

The national board

The national board sits at the heart of the organisation, bringing together up to 12 individuals to oversee the activities of the organisation and to determine its strategy.

British Cycling’s board consists of :

  • Independent Chair (appointed by the Board’s Nomination & Remuneration Committee)
  • 3 Independent Directors (appointed by the Board’s Nomination & Remuneration Committee)
  • 4 Elected Directors (elected by National Council)
  • 3 Nominated Directors (nominated by the England Regions, Scottish Cycling & Welsh Cycling)
  • Chief Executive (ex-Officio)

Get elected, nominated or appointed to the national board of British Cycling

The purpose of the role is to bring independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standards of conduct, which further the aims and objectives of the organisation.

Any British Cycling member is eligible to stand for election and to do this you must be proposed either by a regional council or affiliated organisation with direct representation, or the national board of British Cycling.  If proposed by a regional council or affiliated organisation, a proposal must be received in writing by the company secretary at least 45 days ahead of national council. All members proposed for election are required to present written details of their experience in both employment and cycling and also have the opportunity to address national council in support of their election. If there are more candidates than vacancies for elected positions then a ballot will be held.

There are also three Directors nominated by the England Regions, Scottish Cycling & Welsh Cycling and such nominations must be received in writing by the company secretary at least 45 days ahead of national council.  These nominations are subject to the Board’s approval following which nominees will have an opportunity to address national council at the Annual General Meeting of national council.

Independent Directors are appointed through an open recruitment process managed by the board’s Nomination & Remuneration Committee.

Questions concerning the national board of British Cycling or general matters of governance should be made via email to the company secretary using the email address board@britishcycling.org.uk