Track: Latest results from the Welwyn League

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Location: Gosling Sports Park, Welwyn
Event: 6 July 2012
Report: Peter Waghorn

After a day full of rain, the evening turned out dry and warm and resulted in a good evening’s racing at Gosling Sports Park in Welwyn.

The normal senior programme was modified to give both the A and B groups some kierin racing. The youth programme included a seven-lap ‘team sprint’ with the youngest C group riders doing a half lap turn and the others a full lap.

The result went down to the wire with Dan Maynard holding off a last lap challenge from Jordan Mooney to win for his team by a few metres.

In the senior events Nigel Stephens returning to the track after a long layoff opened his account by winning the 10-lap B scratch race and adding a third place in the B Kierin.

The B group Kierin went to Simon Best while the A Group final saw a close call – John McClelland taking the verdict by inches from George Farrell.

The senior 10-mile was run off at a cracking pace with plenty of attacks by Mike Broadwith to try and get rid of the sprinters – this reduced the field lap by lap until there were just five riders to contest the last few laps. At the line the Prestige duo of John McClelland and Kristian Woolf led in Mike Broadwith and Tom Gallacher for the top four places.

The youth numbers were affected by the upcoming Youth National Circuit Race Championships on Sunday, but those who did turn up at Welwyn had some good competitive events.

Frank Longstaff notched up three wins in the BC group – scratch , devil and combined ABC handicap for a profitable evening.

Tom Durkin won the opening CDE scratch race and his fourth place in the final handicap eased him into joint leader overall in the CDE category – tied with Alexi Edwards.


Senior A
10 lap scratch – John McClelland (Prestige) Kristian Woolf (Prestige) Tom Gallacher (Metaltek)
Kierin – John McClelland (Prestige) George Farrell (Welwyn) Kristian Woolf (Prestige)
10 mile - John McClelland (Prestige) Kristian Woolf (Prestige) Mike Broadwith (Shorter Rochford)

Senior B
10 lap scr – Nigel Stephens (Finchley RT) Simon Best (North Road) Ben Smith (Welwyn Whs)
Kierin – Simon Best (North Road) Roger Woodford (Willesden) Nigel Stephens (Finchley RT)

Youth A
6 lap scratch – Jordan Mooney, Dan Maynard, Sam Dossett (all Welwyn)
Sprint – Dan Maynard, Sam Dossett, Jordan Mooney (all Welwyn)

Youth BC
5 lap scr – Frank Longstaff (Colchester) Glen Dossett (Welwyn) Connor Woodford (Willesden)
Devil – Frank Longstaff (Colchester) Connor Woodford (Willesden) Glen Dossett (Welwyn)
6 lap ABC Handicap – Frank Longstaff (Colchester) Connor Woodford (Willesden) Glen Dossett (Welwyn)

Youth CDE
3 lap scr - Tom Durkin (Welwyn) Bob Longstaff (Colchester) Josie Griffin (Welwyn)
3 lap H’Cap - Josie Griffin,Olivia Howard, Harry Towning (all Welwyn)
4 lap H’Cap – Olivia Howard (Welwyn) Harry Towning (Welwyn) Bob Longstaff (Colchester)

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.