Alex Dowsett helps ensure Summer Breeze Sportive success

Alex Dowsett helps ensure Summer Breeze Sportive success

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Alex Dowsett endorsed the Summer Breeze Sportive then rode the event last Sunday following his recent wins in the Giro d’Italia and National Time Trial Championships. The 88 mile sportive is based in Essex which is Alex’s local area and is run to raise funds for the Cirdan Sailing Trust.

Above: Movistar road pro Alex Dowsett shakes hands with a representative from the Cirdan Sailing Trust, the event's chosen charity.

The event was exactly twelve months before Tour de France comes to Essex. We look forward to seeing Alex ride the Tour instead of the Summer Breeze next year! Organiser Tim Davis said it was great to have the support of Alex and also Steve Collins of Athlon Sport; their involvement and connections made all the difference to the event this year with over 160 riders. It is great that Alex was able to give his time to help a local charity even in the middle of the racing season with all his other commitments

Alex was riding only his second ever sportive and was pleased to see so many people on their bikes around a good course which included a ‘cool sting in the tail’, North Hill, after 80 miles. Russell Hampton (Team Raleigh) and Clover Murray also rode the event.

Alex said “I was keen to be involved in any way I could with such a worthy cause as the Cirdan Sailing Trust as it is an event that is very close to home for me in many senses, I grew up both sailing on the River Blackwater and then cycling on my local roads around Bradwell with my first club, the Maldon & District Cycling Club, both sailing and cycling were ones I could take part in due to their low risk factor and my suffering from Haemophilia”

The Cirdan Sailing Trust was established in 1983 and exists to provide young people, in particular those who are disadvantaged in some way, with self-development, integration and learning opportunities through the challenge of life at sea aboard large sailing vessels. Over the years around 30,000 young people have sailed with Cirdan aboard its fleet of vessels. Our work is mainly with groups of young people from youth organisations across the spectrum. They include those who suffer from disadvantages related to social deprivation and isolation, have special needs, learning difficulties or health issues, have behaviour problems, are young carers or in care. Others may have suffered abuse or neglect, be homeless and come to us through hostels, be excluded from education or society, be on a youth offending programme or part of rehabilitation or drug prevention scheme.

The experience Cirdan offers makes a significant contribution to the development of their life skills, stimulates their desire to learn, improves their attitude towards authority and generally enhances their health and well-being.