Liam Killeen makes it five in a row at the National Mountain Bike Cross-Country Championships

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Senior men (6 laps 5.9 km lap)

Liam Killeen made it five titles in a row at the National Mountain Bike Cross-Country Championships at Wasing.

The Giant Factory Team rider rode a storming race and left the rest of the field to fight things out for the remaining podium places between themselves. As always a fast start to the senior men’s race saw Oli Beckinsale (Endura MTB Racing) head up the field and along with Kileen, Ben Thomas(Mountain Trax), Hamish Batchelor (Fluid Fin Racing), Gareth Montgomerie (GT Racing UK) and David Fletcher (Orange Monkey/Cannondale).

The lead riders had spilt the field into small groups along the course. With the weather returning to a more summer feel the course was virtually dry apart from a few damp patches under the trees, the pace was increasing and would increase on each lap. By the end of the second lap it was Montgomerie who had upped the pace and was now slightly ahead of Beckinsale, Kileen and Hargroves Cycles Ian Field who were wheel to wheel and had a 15 second gap on a chasing Adrian Lansly ( who in turn was holding off a small group of Dan Fleeman (Cycleshack/Forme Coaching), Nick Craig(Team Scott UK) and Thomas.

Beckinsale was beginning to pay for his fast opening lap and was working hard to keep up towards the head of the race but it was Kileen and Fletcher was were dictating the race and at the midway point Kileen would start to wind things up and soon had opened up a 36 second advantage over Fletcher and the remainder of the field.

Kileen's pace was unrelenting and barring any misfortune the Team Giant rider had pretty much sewn up the National title with two laps to go, the battle for second and third spot was beginning to heat up with Fletcher, Beckinsale, Montgomerie and Field all in with a shout of a podium place and on the last lap Fletcher and Field were wheel to wheel and with Beckinsale in the mix it promised to be great closing battle.

Kileen appeared into the arena with acres of time to take the applause of the crowd for a well deserved win, almost two and a half minutes ahead of Fletcher who had won the battle for second, 29 seconds the better of Beckinsale. Ian Field crossed the line in a credible fourth spot and Adrain Lansley rode a great race to finish fifth.

After the race, victor Liam Kileen said: “I really enjoy riding this course, I've raced here a few times for the National series in the past. It’s a flat course but it’s always fun and it’s always a good workout.

"It takes a lot of pedaling and you really have to be technically on the ball as well. The support from the crowd was good today which always helps and this is a nice stepping stone to the next couple of weeks.

“There’s been a few crashes and niggles since the start of the year but everything has been going well, the goal was always to peak in August and it’s not August yet. I'm still building to it. Winning the National title again is a nice thing to bag and it helps with the confidence, I actually slipped a tyre on the second lap and I lost a little bit of time so I had to dig in for a lap which doesn't hurt, at least mentally it doesn't. It was a nice distance to race today. 6 laps is pretty much spot on. Today was warm but I generally tend to like it that way, we had to take on a fair bit of fluid during the race but there’s only so much you can take in during the race, it’s all about the preparation and getting that right."


1. Liam Kileen Team Giant 1.43.08

2. David Fletcher Orang Monkey/Canondale 1.46.30

3. Oli Beckinsale Endura MTB Racing 1.45.59

4. Ian Field Hargroves Cycles/Specialized 1.47.25

5. Adrian Lansley 1.48.44

6. Gareth Mongomerie GT Racing UK 1.49.18

7. Hamish Batchelor Fluid Fin Racing 1.49.42

8. Nick Craig Team Scott UK 1.50.12

9. Robert Wardell Alpine Bikes Racing 1.51.15

10. Paul Oldham Team Hope Factory Racing 1.52.26

Senior women (5 laps)

Nikki Harris (Young Telenet Fidea) took the win in the senior women's race in only her second mountain bike outing of the year.

Harris made the journey from her home in Belgium to secure the title from a strong looking field that included any number of riders that could have claimed the title. Harris made a strong start from the gun and soon opened up a useful lead over the rest of the field and leaving the woods at the end of the first lap had 60 seconds on Lee Craigie (Lapierre Uk) and Joanne Clay (WXC World Racing).

Gabby Day (Team Scott Contessa) didn't have the best opening lap and was trailing off the front riders some 20 seconds in arrears. Strong riding from Harris saw her lead increase slightly on the second time around the 6km course leaving the rest of the field someway back.

Mel Alexander(Cardiff JIF) was now head to head with Criagie with Jessie Roberts(RWD Brakes) sitting in their wheel tracks a few seconds behind, Joanne Clay had slipped back and was now 1 minute back with Day. Harris again increased her lead on the following lap to a good one and a half minutes on the field and was sitting comfortably out on her own but on the penultimate lap she hit a rut leaving the technical section and was thrown over the bars and into the dirt, fortunately no damage was done to either rider or bike and such was the time advantage she was able to keep her lead over the chasing field a lead that she kept to the line crossing it in 1.44.41, Lee Craigie rolled in second at 1.46.03 with Mel Alexander 59 seconds back.

Nikki Harris commented: “I felt really good all race even in this heat but with two laps to go I crashed on the descent, it was getting a bit dodgy because there was a groove appearing, I went to the left of it but went over the bars and into a ditch, I scraped myself back up but was worried I was going to get caught, my chain had come off and i was worried I had damaged the rear mech but it was all ok and I got going again. The last time I won a National title I was a junior a long time ago but I've never won it as an elite rider.

“This is only my second mountain bike race this year so I'm pretty happy with today, I think it would have been a lot closer if Annie(Last) was riding but she is focused on the Olympics. I didn't realise I'd gone away so quick, I thought it seemed a bit slow but I wanted to get to the technical part with a clear view in front of me, I backed off a bit on the second lap but I knew I had to keep a good pace going, its different to a cross race because its longer I had to pace it to the finish. I'm off back to Belgium tonight, I'm racing a few crits in Holland and then I've got a training camp with the team in St Moritz for three weeks and then it will be virtually the cross season.”


1. Nikki Harris Young Telenet Fidea 1.44.41
2. Lee Craigie Lapierre UK 1.46.03
3. Mel Alexander Cardiff JIF 1.47.02
4. Jessie Roberts RWD Brakes Racing 1.47.36
5. Gabby Day Contessa Scott 1.50.18
6. Katy Simcock Team Scott UK 1.51.44
7. Joanna Clay WXC World Racing 1.54.20
8. Maxine Filby Velocite UK 1.55.57
9. Sally Gabriel Oneplant Adventure 1.56.52
10. Rachel Fenton 1.58.06

Espoirs male/female (5 laps/4 laps)

Kenta Gallagher stormed home to take the victory in the U23's male category for the second year running.

The Boardman Elite rider held the lead position from the gun holding off Steve James (Specialized/Hargroves) and team mate Grant Ferguson for five laps to cross the line in 1.27.54.

The race for the second step of the podium was more hotly contested with Ferguson just taking 2nd ahead of James by a mere two seconds crossing the line in 1.28.43. In the women’s U23 race Annie Simpson (Matrix Prendas) took a fine victory in her first mountain bike race for a good few years taking the victory almost four minutes ahead of second place Katy Winton.

Kenta Gallagher said: “I didn't really intend to go off so quickly, I thought I'd wait a lap just to see how everyone was doing but I saw an opportunity and just took it. The race went hard from the start, Grant got a bit of a gap on us so I knew I had to close it down which I managed to do pretty quickly.

“Going into the last section of the first lap I knew I had to hammer it because of the slight head wind coming into the finish straight, that’s where you can start to put the hurt chamber in, I knew if I could get a gap and hold it I could settle into my own pace and I'd be ok and on the last lap I knew I'd got the time to enjoy it. It’s pretty good to win the jersey again, I've been going really well this year and the training I'm doing is right.”


1. Kenta Gallagher Boardman Elite 1.27.54
2. Grant Ferguson Boardman Elite 1.28.43
3. Steve James Specialized/Hargroves 1.28.45
4. Seb Batchelor Fluid Fin Race Team 1.29.49
5. Lee Westwood Torq performance 1.33.47
6. Richard Jones 1.38.24
7. Jack Clarkson Team Hope Factory 1.41.04
8. Luke Grey Baboco Cycling Team 1.41.55
9. Calum Chamberlain Mountain Trax Rt 1.43.13
10. Ian Mockett Thetford MTB 1.43.40

1. Annie Simpson Matrix Prendas 1.27.46
2. Katy Winton Kenisis Mervelo Project 1.31.39
3. Carla Haines WXC World Racing 1.33.05
4. Morven Brown Dales Cycles RT 1.37.39
5. Hollie Bettles 1.42.20
6. Ruby Miller Torq Performance 1.51.13

Junior men (4 laps)

Sam Stean (Solid State Biking) took a fine victory in the junior mens race to claim his national title holding off the likes of Michael Thompson(TEF/Richardsons RT) and Alex Welburn(Cycle shack/Forme Coaching) into second and third place respectively.

Always a quick race the final outcome of the junior race was always going to be difficult to call with a possible 10 riders in with a serious chance. The main protagonists hit the course hard and coming into the final flat sector it was Issac Pucci (WDMBC/Beyond Mountainbike) who had a small gap over a chasing bunch of 10 riders including Stean, Thompson and Welburn but the outcome was far too early to call.

The choice was looking a little easier on the second lap with Stean, Thompson and Welburn working well together to pull out a useful 35 second advantage over Pucci sitting alone in fourth. Hugo Robinson(X RT/Elmy Cycles) was sitting alongside Iain Paton(CNP Orbea) and Edward McParland(GT Racing UK) some 15 seconds behind.

The race changed on the penultimate lap with Thompson and Stean getting away from Welburn but the Cycle shack/Forme Coaching rider didn't look out of contention and was only a handful of second off the two leaders. Paton and Pucci were locked together in fourth and fifth but barring any incidents from the leading three, the two would be riding for 4th and 5th place. It was Stean who proved to be the stronger of the two leaders on the final lap pulling away from Thompson to take the Junior National title a little over 20 seconds ahead of his rival in 1.13.40. Welburn held onto his third place to take the bronze medal.


1. Sam Stean Solid State Biking 1.13.40

2. Michael Thompson TEF/Richardsons Rt 1.14.02

3. Alex Welburn Cycle Shack/Forme coaching 1.14.43

4. Issac Pucci WDMBC Beyond Mountainbiking 1.16.10

5. Iain Paton CNP Orbea 1.16.32

6. Hugo Robinson X RT/Elmy Cycles 1.17.56

7. Tom Evans Ben WYvis Bike Club 1.18.34

8. Edward McParland GT Racing UK 1.18.37

9. Jack Humpreys 1.18.45

10. Ben Miller Nevis Cycles Racing Team 1.19.12

Master male (5 laps)

Whyte Racing’s Luke Smith dominated the masters race to claim the National title, flying from the start in the now familiar opening metres Smith took the race apart lap on lap with only Dan Wells(Cube Bikes UK) and Simon Earnest(AW Cycles) getting within three minutes of the eventual winner.

On the opening lap Smith had opened a small gap on Crispin Doyle (Hargroves Cycles/Specialized) and Simon Earnest and who in turn had Geoff Beetham( and Richard Philips Schofield (Hantspol CC) chasing hard to get back in contention, but Smith powered away on the following laps gaining another minute on Wells and Ernest on the second lap and again on the 3rd lap the Whyte racing rider had over a two minute advantage on the two chasers.

Crispin Doyle and Geoff Beetham were consolidating their day and were fighting it out for 4th and 5th but the day belonged to Luke Smith crossing the line in 1.32.15 over three minutes ahead of second place Daniel Wells who held off Simon Ernest into 3rd place by a mere nine seconds.

Luke Smith said: “It’s been hard work to get to this today, since last September I've been training to get to this today, winning the title is what it’s all about so I'm chuffed to bits. I didn't have a bad year in 2011 but it all went wrong on the championships day so I thought on that day I'm really going to make the effort for this year.

“I signed up with Adrian Timmis to get me to this point and he's been a godsend to me, I've worked with Adrian since last September and he's brought me on leaps and bounds. I rode hard from the gun because I wasn't too sure who was behind me, I knew Simon Ernest was up for the win today so I knew I had to make a go of it early on. I was getting time checks around the course so I knew where I was but it was hard today with the race being five laps but I kept my head down and just got on with it. It went perfect for me today.”


1. Luke Smith Whyte Racing UK 1.32.15

2. Daniel Wells Cube Bikes UK 1.35.19

3. Simon Ernest AW Cycles 1.35.28

4. Crispin Doyle Hargroves Cycles/Specialized 1.38.06

5. Geoff Beetham 1.38.47

6. Roy Davies Team-Elite/Paul Bethell 1.40.45

7. Richard Phillips Schofield Hantspol CC 1.41.58

8. Will Hayter Marathon 1.43.06

9. Sean Scott 1.43.30

10. Nigel Martin Leisure lakes 1.43.54

Veterans (5 laps)

Lewis King (Beeline Bicycles RT) took the crown in the veterans race holding off pre race favourite Paul Hopkins(Merida Factory) and Ian Taylor (Craven Energy) from a large field of over 60 starters.

Mark Chadbourne( rode a great race to finish 1st in the 45+ category and equal 5th overall with Steve Calland (Southdowns Bikes). Pearce Cycles Peter Harris took a crowd pleasing victory in the Grand vets race holding off Steven Davies (Southfork Racing) by 14 seconds and Peter Turnbull (Gateway Racing) by a little under a minute. Mick Bell (Team Corridori) rolled in a superb 4th spot after arriving from a ride in France a few hours previously. Harris' daughter Nikki would make it a family collection of National titles in the next race. Vic Barnett(Wellend Valley CC) took as expected the title in the Super Vets race riding across the line some 5 minutes ahead of 2nd place Denis Smith (team 300).


1. Lewis King Beeline Bicycles RT 1.34.21

2. Paul Hopkins Merida Factory RT 1.36.06

3. Ian Taylor Craven Energy 1.36.15

4. Steve Calland Southdowns Bikes 1.36.17

5. Mark Chadbourne 1.36.17

6. Simon Willats 1.39.09

7. Mark Spratt Cardiff JIF 1.41.06

8. Adriam Lawrence Team Bglobal 1.41.06

9. Peter Dawe Southfork 1.42.27

10. Dean Morgan Cyclezone UK/Cube 1.43.02

Grand Vets 4 laps

1. Peter Harris Pearce Cycles RT 1.21.00

2. Steven Davies Southfork 1.21.14

3. Peter Turnbull Gateway Racing 1.21.58

4. Mick Bell Team Corridori 1.25.36

5. Stephen Moors 1.25.59

6. Timothy Stowe Team Jewson/MI Racing 1.26.02

7. Gregor Grant Moray Firth CC 1.26.15

8. Robert Jackson WDMBC/ Beyond mountainbiking 1.26.51

9. Mark Hardwicke Bournmluth Arrows CC 1.28.15

10. Bruce Rollinson Team JD Cycles 1.28.46

Super Vets 4 laps

1. Vic Barnett Wellend Valley CC 1.38.05

2. Denis Smith Team 300 1.43.15

3. Chris Hearn Schwalbe UK 1.46.03

4. Philip Jones Crosstrax 1.51.25

5 Colin Murley Derwentshire CC @ 2laps

Junior women (3 laps)

Beth Crumpton (Team Scott Contessa) took the victory in the Junior female race. Overcoming a recent illness the young Halesowen rider got back to peak form to ride an emphatic race and claim the National jersey holding off pre race favourite Alice Barnes (Twenty orbea).

By the end of the third lap Crumpton was out on her own already over 20 seconds ahead of Barnes and looking comfortable in the heat. Rebecca Preece was sitting in 3rd spot some 30 seconds off the pace at the front. Barnes was unable to make inroads to Crumpton and on lap two the Scott Contessa rider had increased her lead to over a minute, Preece was sitting in 3rd spot gradually eating into the 2nd place of Barnes.

Crumpton again increased the lead on the final lap and was able to ride home alone to take the win in 1.05.33 almost two minutes ahead of 2nd places Alice Barnes. Rebecca Preece had increased the pace on her final lap but was unable to catch Barnes who had done enough to hold the Red Rose Olympic rider off by some 26 seconds.

Beth Crumpton: “I wanted to go out hard but I had a bad start so I found myself at the back going up the fire road and had to work my way through the field to get to the front. I managed to pass everyone before we got to the single track so that was good. I got a small gap on Alice(Barnes) and managed to keep that for a while but I knew I had to go hard to increase it so I put my head down and i got away on my own.

“The course was hard today, it’s drying out pretty well but there was still a few muddy areas under the trees and its really hot so I had to make sure I got plenty to drink on the fire roads, I don't think I've drunk so much in a race. I was in Scotland and I didn't have a good race so that made me more determined to ride well today.”


1. Beth Crumpton Team Scott Contessa 1.05.33

2. Alice Barnes Twenty Orbea 1.07.12

3. Rebecca Preece Red Rose Olympic CC 1.07.28

4. Imogen Buick Moda-Bike Magic Racing 1.11.40

5. Yuka Gallagher 1.15.03

6. Paige Coope Moda-Bike magic racing 1.22.40

7. Emily Barnes Condor Cycles 1.24.57

8. Hannah Ferguson WXC World Racing 1.28.52

Master female (4 laps)

Fay Cripps took a surprise victory in the master female category holding off all the pre race favourites to ride a fine race and claim the National title.

It was Emma Birtles (Lichfield CCC) who led the field on the opening lap and along with Cripps and Jo Mundon(Pedal Heaven RT) made the break from Caroline Goward (Team Scott Contessa). With the race settled down on lap two it was Mundon who was setting the pace and looked comfortable holding off Birtles and Cripps.

Goward and Gillian Pratt (Team Leslie Bike Shop) were wheel to wheel some 20 seconds adrift of the lead rider. Cripps had bided her time for the opening laps and was still sitting almost 30 seconds behind Birtles on the penultimate lap but on the final lap the Southdowns Bikes rider took her chance and rode away from the remaining riders to cross the line ahead of Caroline Goward and looking rather surprised that she was the National Champion.

Fay Cripps said: “I didn't expect to win that race at all. I came into to riding the cross-country this year but I had an accident early on in the season and broke my sternum which put me back. I always start slow in a race, I never do intervals so I have to work my way through the field gradually, the longer the race the better for me. I did get lucky on the last lap, three of us had an off but I got going a bit quicker and took the opportunity to get away.”


1. Fay Cripps Southdowns Bikes 1.32.10

2. Caroline Goward Team Scott Contessa 1.32.29

3. Gillian Pratt Team Leslie Bike Shop 1.33.59

4. Emma Birtles Lichfield CCC 1.34.40

5. Liz Gilmore 1.40.13

6. Emily Iredale 1.41.48

Veteran female (3 laps)

Helen MacGregor took the victory in the Veteran female race holding off Nicky Hughes (Team Scott Contessa) and Muray Firths Anne Murrey. Kim Long took the honours in the Grand vets race taking a fine victory ahead of Christine James (Abergavenny RC) and Sara Flatt (Iceni Velo).


1. Helen Macgregor VC Lincoln 1.11.23

2. Nicky Hughes Team Scott Contessa 1.13.07

3. Anne Murray Moray Firth CC 1.13.58

4. Sue McIntyre 1.18.25

5. Kirsty Prior Cotic A Quick Release 1.19.01

6. Louise Banks Caesarean CC Jersey 1.31.55

7. Samantha Jones 2.02.23

Grand Vets

1. Kim Long 1.23.31

2. Christine James Abergavenny RC 1.25.03

3. Sara Flatt Iceni Velo 1.27.02

4. Fiona Patton Ben Wyvis Bike Club 1.28.12

5. Carol Tilley 1.30.48

Youth male (3 laps)

Billy Harding took a fine victory in the youth male race.

The Paul Milnes/ Bradford Olympic youngster held off anyone of 10 riders that could have laid claim to the title. It was Harding that headed up the field on the opening lap just ahead of Dylan Kerfoot-Robson( Rhos on Sea CC) and Solihull's Jack Ravenscroft, all three leaving the rest of the field a little way back.

As the race progressed on lap 2 Harding increased his lead on Kerfoot-Robson but the Welsh rider was still in touch and looked to be going well, Ravenscroft still in 3rd spot had lost ground slightly on the front two and was now sitting a minute back. Tom Butler (VC Deal) had worked well and was now in 4th place only a few seconds off Ravenscroft.

A group of four including Solihull's Danny Fox who had crashed heavily a few days before the finals were working well together and were making inroads to Butler and Ravenscroft.

The final lap saw Harding increase his lead over the rest of the field to take a well deserved victory, Kerfoot-Robson held onto 2nd spot just eight seconds ahead of 3rd placed Ravenscroft who had almost clawed a minutes deficit on the previous lap. Malvern Cycle Sports David Creber rode a solid race for 4th spot and Tom Butlerheld off Danny Fox for 5th just four seconds to the good


1. Billy Harding Paul Milnes/Bradford Olympic 56.31

2. Dylan Kerfoot-Robson Rhos On Sea CC 57.28

3. Jack Ravenscroft Solihull CC 58.20

4. David Creber Malvern Cycle Sport 58.47

5. Tom Butler VC Deal 59.08

6. Danny Fox Solihull CC 59.12

7. Arthur Green Matlock CC 59.39

8. Calum Magowan Peebles CC/Alpine Bikes 1.00.32

9. Robert Rogers Birkenhead North End 1.00.39

10. Tom Craig Team Scott UK 1.00.46

Youth female (2 laps)

Lucy Short(Peebles CC/Alpine Bikes) took the win in the Youth Female race holding off Isla Short(Innerleithen MTB RT) and Ffion James(Abergavenny RC) into 2nd and 3rd respectively. Starting as favourite the youngster rode a fine race heading up the race from the start and completing her two laps in a little under 45 minutes


1. Lucy Grant Peebles CC/Alpine Bikes 44.23

2. Isla Short Innerleithen MTB RT 45.28

3. Ffion James Abergavenny RC 45.51

4. Elena Melton Wolfpax Riders 47.10

5. Martha Gill Bolton Hot Wheels CC 47.17

6. Erika Allen Stirling Bike Club 47.21

7. Eve Hanlon Cole Peeebles CC/ Alpine Bikes 49.14

8. Gretel Warner WXC Mountain Bike Team 49.20

9. Sarah Lomas Matlock CC 50.16

10. Rosie Crumpton Halesowen A&CC 50.17

Juvenile male/female (2 laps)

Matlock CC's William Gascoyne got the victory over Dan Tullet( Hargroves Cycles/Specialised) in the juvenile race. Gascoyne took the race to Tullet who didn't quite have the response to challenge the Matlock rider and had to settle for the silver medal.

David Barnes (Condor Cycles) rode a strong race to claim the last podium step but couldn't make inroads to Gascoyne or Tullet. In the Juvenile girls race Emily Wadsworth (Beeline Bicycles RT) took the victory with a strong ride finishing some four and a half minutes to the better of Edinburgh RC Emma Borthwick. Sophie Capewell (Lichfield CCC) took the bronze medal finishing her two laps in 52.30.


1. William Gascoyne Matlock CC 38.53

2. Daniel Tulett Hargroves cycles/Specialized 39.12

3. David Barnes Condor Cycles 41,52

4. Sam Shepherd Primera-Specialized 42.21

5. Stephen Dent Nevis Cycles Racing 43.38

6. Ewan grivell-Mellor Mid Shrops Wheelers 43.45

7. Owyn Wallace Sherwood Pines Cycles 44.08

8. Chris Rothwell Swindon Wheelers 44.08

9. Thomas Clarke Red Rose Olympic CC 44.25

10. Joe Barnwell NWMBA 44.45

1. Emily Wadsworth Beeline Bicycles RT 47.18

2. Emma Borthwick Edinburgh RC 51.53

3. Sophie Capewell Lichfield CC 52.30

4. Jessica Roberts Towy Riders 52.31

5. Katie Allen Stirling Bike Club 55.58

6. Phoebe Martin Wolverhampton Wheelers 59.15

7. Milloe Hanlon Cole Peebles CC/Alpine Bikes 1.04.22