Alpine Winter Series Round 2: Day/Night Enduro

Alpine Winter Series Round 2: Day/Night Enduro

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18th February 2012, Traquair Forest, Innerleithen
Report:Duncan Nisbet for

The second round of the Alpine Winter Series took place on Saturday with an exciting race format not often seen in the UK. Following the huge success of Round 1 last month, Innerleithen MTB Racing brought us a Day/Night Enduro in Traquair Forest, Innerleithen. The format involved riders making their way around the forest with two special timed stages. The same stages were then ridden again once darkness had fallen – riders using lights on their handlebars and sometimes their helmets to illuminate the track ahead. The cumulative time for the four stages would determine the winner.

Gary Forrest on the way to winning the Senior race

Conditions for the day delivered everything we expect from a Scottish Winter, with stunning sunshine and blue skies broken by the occasional snow flurry accompanied by a chilling wind. Special Stage 1 started with a fast descent from Plora Rig over loamy ground interspersed with roots and rocks to keep the riders attention. A short climb on a forest road led to a tight, technical section that spat the riders into a quarry at the bottom of Taniel Hill.

Riders then climbed gently through the forest and back to Plora Rig for the start of Special Stage 2. This stage took in various sections of some of Innerleithen’s finest downhill trails as riders made their way down the hill for a big finish through the bombhole into the arena at the bottom of the forest.

After a break to take on board fluids and hot food, the riders set up their lights and headed up the hill to do it all over again in the dark.

Leading the way with the fastest time of the day (20’19”) was Crawford Carrick-Anderson (Ibis/POC/Crank Brothers) with Angela Coates (The Development/Fox) taking the women's category win (36’27”).

Crawford Carrick Anderson took the Vet's category win

Duncan Nisbet of Innerleithen MTB Racing said after the event; “The Enduro race format is very popular with riders as was proved again this weekend with another event sold out. The feedback from the first two rounds has been extremely positive and we aim to take that into the final round next month”.

Special thanks go to Alpine Bikes for sponsoring the event and supplying prizes, all the marshals and volunteers without whom the event wouldn’t have happened and to Steve at i-cycles for the course design.
Round 3 of the Alpine Winter Series takes place on the weekend of 3rd/4th March and is a traditional downhill event with uplift. This event also attracts British Cycling ranking points.

Further information, full results and details on how to enter future events can be found on the Innerleithen MTB Racing website at:

Results Summary

Women Overall Time
1 Angela Coates 36’27”
2 Zoe Beesley 39’45”
3 Jenny Jack 40’01”

Juniors (under 19)
1 Lewis Kirkwood 22’50”
2 Jake Hood 24’33”
3 Niall Morrison 25’09”

Seniors (19-29)
1 Gary Forrest 20’49”
2 Scott Laughland 21’38”
3 Paul Aston 21’58”

Masters (30-39)
1 Chris Buchan 20’54”
2 Keith Buchan 21’01”
3 Stuart Nicholson 22’31”

Veterans (40+)
1 Crawford Carrick-Anderson 20’19”
2 Justin Grice 21’43”
3 David Tallontire 22’20”

About Innerleithen MTB Racing
Innerleithen based race team and event promoter with supported riders in many cycling disciplines. A ‘not for profit’ volunteer organisation with the aim to stage fun, friendly and challenging events for all disciplines of mountain biking. Over the last few years, Innerleithen MTB Racing has organised the British Cross Country (XC) Championships, numerous XC and Multi-Stage Enduro races, a Mini DH race series for under 18s and the very successful iXS European Downhill Cup.

About Alpine Bikes
Alpine Bikes was founded in Aberdeen in 1989 by Dave McKay. Since the beginning, Alpine Bikes offered not only the best bikes, cycle clothing and accessories, but provided an unrivalled level of customer service and aftercare. Alpine Bikes is now the biggest independent cycle retailer in Scotland and prides itself on offering exceptional service as well as quality and value. They have built strong relationships with suppliers to ensure they can pass on the best and most varied products to the customer. Initially starting with mountain bikes, their product line up now includes all kinds of bikes.