Report: Hope XC Race Series Round 4

Report: Hope XC Race Series Round 4

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Report: Hope XC Race Series Round 4

Posted October 5 2010
Photography By Richard Milner

The end of a race series is a curious day. There are the regulars racers who have done a few already and are relaxed as they drop into the familiar routine, the contenders for the series prizes who are checking out who's turned up and the first timers for whom it's all still fresh and new. The organising team can see the end of all the work and it's a great day to be out on the hill with the weather fine and the wind low. The last race in the series saw the return of the tramway, the evil start climb as part of the main course as well as the jumps of Bury Bob and the rocks in the ginnel. The "start game" played out as usual with some over optimistic front row riders stuffing up the start and nearly falling without even getting going.

The Leisure Lakes sponsored Racer category down on entries due to the 3 Peaks Cyclocross on the same day still produced quality racing with Carl Draper (Lex Luther MBC?) taking a day off from being superman's arch rival to dominate the field taking the lead in lap 2 and steadily building his race winning margin. Tom Albutt (Joyriders MTB Holidays) worked hard to get the first lap prime but could not hold Carl's wheel and finished a respectable second. David Watt (VC MELYD) in his first finish in four attempts in this series rode well to claim third. The series competition was won by Rob Allen (Leisure Lakes) with a consistent performance across four races demonstrating that there was no need for a veterans category and claiming the Hope SP6XC wheels.

The Bardon Aggregates sponsored Racing Diva's saw Susannah Goddard holding off Amy Baron-Hall (Cooksons Cycles) despite a mid race slow down. Susannah, renowned for her fast descending on her Orange 5 Diva made it three wins in three races but unfortunately this was not enough to secure the series prize won by Joanna Holden the race 2 winner. Helen Winskill (Keswick AC) rode well to take third. The sponsorship from Bardon Aggregates and Hope saw prize parity with the Racers with £200 of Leisure Lakes vouchers awarded and the same series prize of a pair of Hope Technology wheels and we hope to see more women racing next year.

The Blazing Saddles sponsored Weekend Warriors had a bumper entry with many new riders trying to cash in on their summer fitness. The riders put up a brave performance with few drop outs despite the wearing down of the repeated climbs on the tramway. Mike Aitchison (Big Bear Bikes) came out on top building on his previous performances with Scott "shoeless" Smith (Ulverston) second and Phil Winskill (Dark Peak Fell Runners) third. David "the owner" Beeley (Big Bear Bikes) proved that the bike does matter with a tremendous performance on his new full suspension 29er to get 6th on the day. Mike Aitchison (Big Bear Bikes) also claimed the series prize of a Hope brakeset with three wins over the series.

In the trade team competition Leisure Lakes under Director Sportif Matt Chester crumbled under pressure from the massive entry from Big Bear Bikes under David Beeley. David takes the Hope sponsored trophy back to Pickering and it's going to take a determined trade team to get it back.

The Astounding Adventures Have-a-go Heroes category saw a tight race with 7 laps of the have-a-go easier course being completed by nine riders. Nick Budworth bagged the first prize of a training course provided by the sponsors and a promotion up the categories to Weekend Warrior, Paul Clapham grabbed second place and Steve Sears also let his skills show and got third place again holding off Kev Duckworth who is racing on his original race bike from the mid nineties. The rest of the category saw close racing with riders battling hard and all getting to the finish.

The Astounding Adventures Have-a-go Heroine category saw four women take to the start line with Caroline Ditum (Ginger Poo Goddard) riding consistently to win from Kathryn Robinson riding strongly in second place. Melody Dark clearly enjoying her racing and trying hard to ride the full course got third and a special mention should go to Judith Harvie who rode the full race on a ladies "Rockrider" (how apt) hybrid bike and will hopefully be back for more racing next year. Caroline gets an Astounding Adventures "course in a bottle" and Kathryn and Melody goodies from Torq. The Polaris Apparel sponsored "Lads" category for younger riders again ran with a small but quality field with strong competition for the prizes. Sam Pickering started strongly and maintained his lap times getting in a extra lap. Claiming second prize was Luke Goodchild and Tom Baker came in third but this was good enough to claim the series prize with his more consistent finishing by one point.

Thanks and eternal appreciation go to the "Buff/ Express Asphalt" sponsored marshals who every week cheer and encourage the riders around the course, giving up their morning lie-in to let others race and especially to the sign-on/ timing team who worked determinedly to get the results out despite technical issues beyond their control. Additionally thanks to Lancashire CC for use of Lee Quarry and to the local residents who tolerate the early morning disruption.

2011: We'll be back in 2011 will a 4 race series and "something different" event. The "something different" is up in the air (but will involve mountain bikes) and most of the winter will be spent trying to work out what is viable. Some of the idea's are "big" so watch this space (we can promise that it won't be a 24 hour race in the quarry though).