ActionReplay: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup DH R3 // 4X R4

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ActionReplay: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup DH R3 // 4X R4

2010 Mountain Bike Coverage Home | 2010 UCI MTB World Cup Overall Standings

The downhill and fourcross goes to Leogang, Austria where the action was wet! Rachel Atherton had a huge crash in the women's race, won by Sabrina Jonnier, while the intriguing battle between Greg Minnaar and Gee Atherton continued.

Replay: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Downhill  Round 3
Result Men | Women

Greg Minnaar secured the World Cup Series lead at the halfway point of the season with his second win of the season in Leogang, Austria. Britain's Gee Atherton was demoted one spot from Fort William, finishing second in Leogang and retaining second in the overall.

On a track deep in mud and holes, running risks throughout was part of the game and something the Brits excelled at, placing eight riders in the top ten. Atherton was the top rider, staying in the hot seat comfortably, until Minnaar took to the track. Both riders were in a different league to the rest of the field today, commanding four seconds over third-placed Aaron Gwin who led a tightly packed set of podium contenders seperated by just two seconds.

Steve Peat was the big loser from this arrangement, finishing a painful sixth place; just one step and 0.05 seconds away from a return to centre-stage. It did however mark a return to form after a dissappointing opening two World Cup races where the reigning World Champ has struggled to find the form that resulted in two World Cup wins in 2009.

Further standout British performances came from Brendan Fairclough in seventh, Matt Simmonds tenth, Danny Hart thirteenth after the loosest run in history, Marc Beaumont fifteenth, Dan Atherton sixteenth and Sam Dale seventeenth.

In the women's race the big news was on another crash for Rachel Atherton. So far, there are no specifics but race-winner and Series Leader Sabrina Jonnier hinted that it was another shoulder injury. In the absence of Atherton, Tracy Moseley was Britain's top finisher, behind a top three dominated by the French - Jonnier, Ragot and Pugin.

Manon Carpenter was again the only Junior to qualify for the main final, with a stunning eighth-place which only extends her lead in the Junior series.

Replay: UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Foucross Round 4

Result Men | Women

Jared Graves overcame the mud, the toughest fourcross track on 2010 to date and the strength of the RSP team to take round four of the fourcross World Cup. Graves' third win of the season sets him up for a near-certain win of the overall for a second-year-running, only mathmatics standing in the way of him lifting the glass trophy in Windham at the end of August.

On a night when takeouts and crashes were the norm, the Guido Tschugg designed track drew praise from all the top racers who were impressed by the true fourcross nature of the track which featured line choices at every turn and genuine pro-lines.

Dan Atherton suffered again at the hands of crashes, going out in the early stages, while Scott Beaumont was watching from home, electing to rest an injury rather than face further risk on a dangerous track.

Anneke Beerten finally took her first win of the 2010 season; but it was not without drama. Leading Labounkova from the gate, Beerten held all the riders in line before opening the gap on the main straight. However, her speed wasn't quite enough to prevent a big case on the final double, opening the door for Labounkova to charge up the inside. Beerten was just equal to the challenge, but it was more like rugby in the mud than fourcross! Brit Fionn Griffiths was fourth; the only Brit to make a fourcross final in 2010.

With Gee Atherton taking a commanding win at Fort William and Rachel Atherton vying for the leaders' jersey in the downhill World Cup, you won't want to miss the third round of the Series this weekend!

The racing in Leogang starts on Saturday with fourcross, where Dan Atherton and Scott Beaumont will be looking to get to their first final of the year, stopping current overall leader Jared Graves. Graves is the undisputed king of fourcross right now; World Champion, World Cup Champion and with two wins from three in the 2010 Series, only Joost Wichman was able to offer serious competition in the opening rounds and nothing looks to change soon.

In the women's fourcross there's a different story; Romana Labounkova started 2010 as a podium contender, but has moved into the place of Series leader, ahead of favourite Anneke Beerten. Beerten has been a marked from the outset, and although she's made every final and qualified fastest there's still no win on the board.

Sunday is round three of the Downhill. Led by Sabrina Jonnier and Greg Minnaar, both are challenged by Brits Rachel and Gee Atherton who are back to their best in 2010. Following a huge crash in timed practice at Fort William it's unclear whether Sam Hill will start in Leogang - something which will further rearrange the overall standings.

Whatever the result, you can watch all the action live on Saturday and Sunday, with replays following directly after the event.