Report: British Fourcross Championships

Report: British Fourcross Championships

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A visibly delighted Scott Beaumont retained his British Fourcross title this weekend in a thrilling final at Redhill Exteme. As the course turned from dusty to greasy the clouds gathered from the south once more and created a track with standing water and slick mud.

From the gate Beaumont had a good lead but through the opening corners nothing was certain - as Charlie Phillips found out on her way to the women's title. Crashing at first in the ‘s' bends and again in the finishing straight it was an unconventional way to become National Champion, but everyone else was so out of control, Charlie told me it almost didn't matter.

"I was so crazy out there, you could have been going down that track with your eyes closed and it wouldn't have made any difference. I was on the full mud tyre - the Medusa - and it made no difference. I could have been rolling on slicks. I was going so slow it was a joke, but it was one of the most fun races I've ever done."

As Beaumont ploughed through the intermediate Minion on the front wasn't slowing him and it was time to celebrate as he crossed the line and retained the British title and after the race Scott only had enthusiasm to give.


"Anyone who did the last races all deserve a jersey for that, it was the most slippery course I've ever done. Under the trees from the gate it was good but into the first corner it was carnage, water everywhere just like a river. Anything could have happened out there, but it has been a consistent weekend, I've been unbeaten over the two days and I showed good form just in time for the Worlds."

Junior Bernard Kerr destroyed the Junior men's field adding another jersey to match his European Downhill title earned three weeks previous. He would get away with running dry tyres as the rain had no chance to settle and described the race as "keeping it steady and tidy."

Throughout the motos there was controversy as rules on hitting flags - and more importantly their disturbance from the ground - were wrangled over. But come the finals the right riders won through and were all worthy National Champions.

You'll get to see all the winners in their new jerseys on August 9, at Penshurst, Kent in the penultimate round of the series.