Understanding Training





Can I do my winter cycling training indoors?

With improved indoor trainers, virtual reality worlds such as Zwift to ride and race in and the proven benefits of hitting the weights over the winter, is there a valid argument for doing the bulk of your winter training indoors? We examine the pros and cons of an indoor only approach.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2020

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Winter Cycling Myth-Buster 2020

Whether it’s from chatting to club mates, reading magazines or spending time on internet forums, myths and misunderstandings about cycling training abound. In this article we debunk five classic winter cycling training myths.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 30/10/2020

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Best bang for you buck indoor trainer sessions

One of the most common questions we get asked is, “if I’ve got an hour, what’s the best indoor trainer session I can do?” Although this might seem like an easy question to answer, there are a whole number of factors to consider. In this article, we look at those factors but also suggest three tried and tested fall-back sessions.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 20/11/2019

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Cycling through the ages: Cycling in your 50’s, 60’s and Beyond

From youth riders to cyclists in their 60’s and older, how to tailor and adapt your riding and training to your age. In this part, we look at cycling in your 50’s, 60’s and Beyond.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2018

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Cycling through the ages: Cycling in your 40’s

From youth riders to cyclists in their 60’s and older, how to tailor and adapt your riding and training to your age. In this part, we look at cycling in your 40’s.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2018

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Cycling through the ages: Cycling in your 20's and 30's

From youth riders to cyclists in their 60s and older, how to tailor and adapt your riding and training to your age. In this part, we look at cycling in your 20s and 30s.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2018

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Cycling through the ages: Young Riders

From youth riders to cyclists in their 60’s and older, how to tailor and adapt your riding and training to your age. In this first part, we look at young riders.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2018

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