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Parents in Sport Week: Everything you need to know

Parents in Sport Week: Everything you need to know

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This week we’re proud to be supporting the NSPCC’s Parents in Sport Week. Now in its sixth year, the campaign aims to empower parents with the confidence, knowledge and tools they need to identify and report concerns in their children’s sport.

The responsibility for ensuring our sport is safe and welcoming for all belongs to all of us, and as always we’d encourage you to share the Parents in Sport Week resources within your own clubs, groups and events, so that we can make the message louder and clearer than ever before. You can find the resources here.

What’s new for 2021?

To support the campaign, this year the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit has launched a new, free e-learning course for parents, an updated online Parents Hub and a new animation for parents to help them understand how they can support their child if something is wrong.

How to report a concern to British Cycling

One of the most important ways to protect and safeguard children, young people and adults at risk is to share your concerns, however a new  survey undertaken by YouGov on behalf of the NSPCC found that one in five parents wouldn’t know who to turn to if they had any welfare concerns around their child at a sports club.

Remember, it’s not your responsibility to investigate an allegation or decide whether someone is being abused, but it is your responsibility to report the concern and pass on information to the appropriate person.

If you become aware of a concern of poor practice and/or possible abuse, don’t panic. Share your concern with the individual responsible for safeguarding in your club or at the event that you are attending. Alternatively, you may wish to report your concern directly to the British Cycling Lead Safeguarding Officer.

It is a mandatory requirement for all clubs with under-18s as members to appoint a Club Welfare Officer as part of our affiliation process. If you don't know who this individual is then we’d encourage you to ask any club representatives in attendance directly and find out more about what safeguarding measures are in place.

Rider and a coach at Ealing BMX Club

Our Safeguarding Review

The CPSU Standards for Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport provide a framework to create a safe sporting environment for children and young people, and protect them from harm.

Since the Standards were originally published, in 2002, they have effectively become the industry safeguarding standards for the sports sector, and like many organisations British Cycling is required to have an annual review, undertaken by the CPSU, to assess our continued compliance. Organisations are given a rating of ‘Met’, ‘Conditionally Met’ or ‘Not Met’.

The most recent review took place in July 2021, and we’re pleased to say that it found that we continue to meet the required standards, and it was recognised that we have continued to demonstrate a strong commitment to safeguarding in a challenging period.

Still have some questions?

For further information about our safeguarding procedures please click here. You can also contact our compliance team directly at compliance@britishcycling.org.uk.


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