NTC 25

Cross: Whitehead’s second win at Glengorm

Home » Cyclo-Cross

Location: Glengorm Castle, Isle of Mull
Event: 11 December 2011
Report: Snowdon Sports

Dan Whitehead secured his second Scottish Series victory in two days with a win in the final round at Glengorm Castle on the Isle of Mull.

The Ballater X rider crossed the line around two and a half minutes ahead of his nearest rival, Craig Hardie (Hardie Bikes), to cap a great weekend for Whitehead.

Isle of Mull CC’s own Stephen MacInnes took third spot on Sunday, while Gary McRae was top veteran, the Leslie Bike Shop rider beating team-mate John McCaffery into second.

In other categories, Ruth Fraser-Moodie (Pedal Power) was fastest woman ahead of Deeside Thistle’s Mona Petrie, while Callum Foster (Leslie Bike Shop) was top junior.


1 Dan Whitehead (Ballater X)
2 Craig Hardie (Hardie Bikes) @ 2:30
3 Stephen MacInnes (Isle of Mull CC) @ 2:32
4 Paul McInally 9Rock n Road Cycles)

1 Gary McRae (Leslie Bike Shop)
2 John McCaffery (Leslie Bike Shop)
3 Steve Nicholson (Dunfermline CC)
4 Franco Porco (GJS Racing Team)

1 Ruth Fraser-Moodie (Pedal Power)
2 Mona Petrie (Deeside Thistle)
3 Katy Cullen (Edinburgh Racers)
4 Brenda Callander (Stirling BC).

Youth: Callum Foster (Leslie Bike Shop).

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.