NTC 25

Report: Oldham Dominates Trophy in Bradford

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Round 5 - 11 December 2011
Peel Park, Bradford
Report: Phil Ingham & Snowdon Sports | Additional Reporting - Andy Whitehouse
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Bradford's Peel Park hosted the fifth round of the 2011-12 National Trophy and with conditions very muddy and slippery, it was a major change from the first four rounds, all of which have featured benign Autumnal days and generally dry courses.

The course is one of the most testing on the circuit, anyway, and with its infamous mud bankings in prime condition, a big and vocal crowd was on hand to cheer the riders on.

First, we've got two videos, the first unashamedly concentrating on the action on Bradford's infamous mud banking, which once again was the focal point for spectator interest and the scene of some great action; the second, a rider's eye view of the course, shot in practice by leading Vet rider Dave Haygarth


Corrine Walder's Video

(results at foot of page - series standings and review)

Senior & Under-23 Men

Crossing the line first for the first time this series, Paul Oldham (Hope Factory Racing) stamped his authority on the National Trophy Series with victory in round five at Peel Park in Bradford on Sunday.
With none of the Belgian visitors who have ridden previous rounds choosing to come to round five, Oldham secured a maximum 50-point haul to extend his series lead to 18 points. The title battle, a two-horse race between himself and Hargroves Cycles rival Jody Crawforth since round 3, now looks to have swung significantly Oldham's way. He now know that if he finishes fifth or better at the final round in Shrewsbury on January 15, the title will be his.

Peel Park provided harsh conditions throughout the day, with the wet and muddy course cutting up  throughout the day until the senior race which was run off in highly-challenging mud and deteriorating light.

All day, there had been unusual results littered throughout the categories, with riders who thrive in the worst of the winter coming to the fore. And, in the senior men it was Scott UK rider Nick Craig raising eyebrows with a storming ride into second after recovering from an early crash and plugging his way through the mud to push title challenger Jody Crawforth (Hargroves Cycles) into third spot.

Both had been part of a leading group which formed early in the race, but it was not long before Paul Oldham went ahead alone and established a lead of around seven seconds by the start of the second lap.

Nick Craig had crashed on the opening lap, and after recovering he had dropped to about 18th, but he battled back strongly to get back to fourth by the end of lap two. The Scott UK rider continued to push, and stepped up to second after dropping Crawforth, and was just ten seconds behind leader Paul Oldham.

On lap three, Craig’s big chance came when Oldham ripped his rear mech off and had to run 400 yards to the pits for a spare machine, giving Craig the chance to pass him.

By the time Oldham was back in motion he was fourth. It was a familiar scenario for the tall Lancastrian, who has had more than his fair share of mishaps this season. Not panicking, he was soon pushing hard to get back up to the leaders. Craig continued to sail along, apparently effortlessly, at the front, but behind him Paul Oldham and Lewis Craven (Wheelbase) had dropped Crawforth, and were closing.

Oldham’s pace eventually caused Craven to fall behind, and by lap eight he had reached Craig, pausing to assess the situation for a while before attacking on lap nine and going on to victory by 24 seconds.

After the win, Oldham paid tribute to his pit crew for keeping him in the race, while Craig was happy enough with his best finish of the series which moves him up from 16th to eighth spot.

Steve James continued his superb season, taking the Under-23 race once again and finishing fifth. After experiencing a nightmare ride at this course last year, he has clearly advanced considerably as a rider in the last 12 months and his fifth place was an outstanding ride. Kenta Gallagher was second in the category, showing off his trademark bunny hop skills at the hurdles on his way to 7th, whilst there was also a strong performance from Jack Clarkson (Hope Factory Racing) who was up to seventh mid-race before dropping back to an eventual 11th.

Rider Comments

After the race we spoke to winner, Paul Oldham: "I got a gap, second lap, but coming down the off camber I ripped a rear mech. Luckily I've got the best pit crew out there and they sorted it out for me. I was one bike for just a couple of laps. My legs were pretty gassed when I got to my second bike, it took a bit to recover."

On being forced to chase, Paul said: "I've got used to it this year I've messed up so many times. But I got my head back on, recovered and managed to close the gap then, so it was good!"

On using disc brakes and their benefits on a muddy day: "You get a lot less clogging on your bike. The cantelevers aren't shaving the mud off the tyre, so they are brilliant."

On his preparation for the National championships and series finale, both early in the New Year: "I've had a cold these last two weeks, so I need to crack on and get some decent work done in the next couple of weeks."

It was a philosophical Jody Crawforth we spoke to after the race which had seen his chances of winning the series take a nose-dive: "I seem to have a battle with Paul every race, but am coming off worst at the moment. I've been trying hard but seem to be tired at every race at the moment. It was a slow race today. The running was tough. I did the best I could today."

On the rest of the season, he said: "I've got to keep trying the next few races I do, do a lot of races over Christmas and see if I can salvage a bit, a couple of wins maybe." On the National Championships, he said: "I like it at Ipswich, and hopefully it won't be quite as muddy as this."

Under-23 Winner and series leader, Steve James: "It's been almost the perfect season so far. It's not something I really expected when I started doing 'Cross this season. Hargroves and Specialized gave me the opportunity to do it, they gave me the bikes and support to do it. I only really did it to have a go through my winter training for mountain biking and that's still essentially what it is. But I've enjoyed it and I'm really pleased with how it's gone so far."

Looking ahead to the National Championships, he said: "It's been at the back of my mind all season, it's the biggest race in the UK and everyone wants to be able to perform on the day. But it's not about winning, it's all about doing your best on the day. As long as I can finish that race and know I've done my best, that's the goal. If I come away with the jersey, it's a bonus!"

For Nick Craig it was an outstanding ride by a man now in his third season as a Veteran (over-40): "Obviously over the last week conditions have gone from super fast to more what I like to ride, my style. I’m not really surprised to jump forward quite a bit and it’s nice not to have any Belgians to pass. I’m really pleased with that. At the start of the week, I’d quietly hoped to be on the podium today, so I’m well pleased with that."

I got a really good start and was perhaps fifth or sixth, but then I hit the deck hard and came up in perhaps eighteenth. I got going then and thought everyone’s going to fall off. But well chuffed, obviously and well pleased for Paul."

Meanwhile, Hope's Dave Collins enjoyed his best race of the series: "I just got a bit of a run on a few corners and when it’s like this you’ve just got to keep momentum up. I wasn’t worrying about anyone else – it was a case of riding my own race and seeing what happens. I’m really happy with sixth.

And on the tough Bradford course, he had this to say, with a laugh: “Enough of these dirt crits, back to the courses where a few skills are needed.”

Senior Women

Annie Last (Boardman Elite) sprinted to victory ahead of race-long rival Louise Robinson (Stourbridge CC) as they mastered the muddy conditions at Peel Park in Bradford superbly.

The pair broke away from the rest of the field on the first lap, and Robinson’s team-mate Isla Rowntree battled hard to stay with them. Too hard, as it happened, as she crashed twice at the same point as she tried to maintain contact with the leading duo.

Last and Robinson were almost together as they rounded the corner onto the long tarmac finishing straight, but there was no catching Annie Last who sprinted home unchallenged to win by around six seconds.

Despite her problems, Rowntree managed to hold off her rivals for third, her experience perhaps giving her the ability to get back up quickly and on with the racing. With series leader Adela Carter absent, Hannah Payton (Kinesis Morvelo Project) takes over the overall lead having finished fifth at Bradford.

Rider Comments

Louise Robinson said afterwards: “We both have strengths and weaknesses and kept dropping each other. Annie is a full time athlete, though she hasn't raced for a long time and it takes a while to get your race legs back, but it's good to be up with her.”

And after her first race of the season, Last added: “I really like Bradford. It's a hard course to get back into it on, especially as it's muddy, but I really enjoyed it. I've just had a little break, but I love doing the cross and it's nice to fit it in.”

Junior Men

Paul Milnes-Bradford Olympic talent Joe Moses secured a comfortable victory in the Juniors race, holding off Natioanl Champion Hugo Robinson (XRT-Elmy Cycles) into second and bolstering his lead in the overall series in the process.

Robinson has beaten Moses in the last two rounds, but in the Peel Park mud there was no stopping the Yorkshireman, who pressured his rival for the opening lap before riding clear and eventually crossing the line around a minute ahead of his rival.

Some way back in third was Cestria Cycles’ Adam Martin – back to form after a disappointing fourth round in Derby where he crashed and third round at Southampton where he was ill.

Rider Comments

After his win, Joe Moses told British Cycling: “I managed to break away from Hugo on the bottom section and from there just kept on working and pulled away.

“I wasn't expecting to get that big a gap on Hugo who is very good technically - it's the first time I've beaten him this year. It's my kind of course, it was just like a Yorkshire Points event. I had a few sketchy moments but that was it.”

“It was so tough out there, so slippery,” said Robinson. “Gaps were forming with just crashes and bike changes, it was like an ice rink out there. I had only one crash but a lot of near misses.

“Joe was just fantastic, he was so quick, controlling the race right from the start. He got a gap when I changed bikes on the first lap and I was able to close him down but on the second lap I just didn't have the legs.”

Veteran 40+

Series leader James Bryan (Zepnat RT) extended his lead in the Over-40s category with victory in the fifth round in Bradford.

Bryan, the 40-year-old Alfreton-based rider, crossed the line around 30 seconds ahead of his nearest rival, Wheelbase man Noel Clough, while Team Jewson’s Darren Atkins was a similar margin behind in third spot.

Those three riders were well clear of the chasing pack having attacked hard on the opening lap, and by the end of the first circuit – which they were completing in around eight minutes because of the strength-sapping effects of the thick mud – they had around 30 seconds on the next best rider.

Bryan was driving the break on, and at the end of the second lap he decided he had had enough of company, and put the hammer down to drop Clough and Atkins. Shortly after, Clough gapped Atkins and held it, and their positions remained unchanged for the remains of the race.

In contrast, the race for fourth spot behind them was really hotting up. Chris Young (Wheelbase) had been fourth or fifth for much of the race, but faded late in the last lap and Duncan Walmsley, the Zepnat RT rider from Lincoln who was 22nd overall prior to the Bradford race, scorched through to fourth on the final lap, whilst Greg Simcock (Team Corley Cycles) also snuck past Young in the sprint for the line to take fifth.

That result means that any one of four riders could still win the overall series, although with a lead of 26 points over Atkins, Bryan will need a dramatic downturn in his fortunes if anyone else is to take the win.

Rider Comments

Afterwards, second-placed Noel Clough said: “I struggled on the first two laps then managed to get my lines right and got going. But there was no catching Jim today, he was just gone. He put an effort in on the second lap and that was it.”

And Jim Bryan, who has just returned from a week’s training in Majorca, said: “When Darren and Noel were on my wheel on lap one I had a bit of a panic on.” And referring to the muddy conditions at Bradford, he added: “If you freewheeled any corner, your wheels were going. That first lap was a bit of a shock. In the gap since practice the course had changed a lot.

Bryan’s win ends Atkins’ run of victories, and Bryan added: “It's nice to win but when I heard Noel had got second it makes the result just that bit better.”

Veteran 50

In the over-50s race, Steve Davies (Team Jewson) notched up his fourth consecutive victory, beating rival Mick Bell (London Fire Brigade CC) into second spot.

He attacked hard from the start, and soloed to victory with Bell struggling to stay with his rival but managing to hold second spot, those two riders being obviously much stronger than the rest of the field.

Rider Comments

“I wasn’t going to be hanging about today, as soon as they said go I was off,” said Davies after his win. “I took a few risks through the technical bit in the woods and that was it.”

And talking about the overall Series, he added: “I hadn't intended to ride all the series. I missed the first one as it was an eight-hour drive. Then I thought I’d see how it felt for the rest, but winning the next four means I've got to ride the last one now!”


Under-16 Series leader Jack Ravenscroft (Solihull CC) secured his third National Trophy victory at Bradford after taking the lead early in the race and steadily building to cross the line well clear of his nearest rivals.

Dylan-Kerfoot Robson (Rhos on Sea CC) took second after a race-long battle with Sean Dunlea (PCA Ciclos Uno), with Kerfoot-Robson just edging ahead of his rival.

Afterwards, Ravenscroft said: “I made a lot of mistakes, so to come out with a win is really good. Touch wood, that’s the series. The course was horrible, a lot of it was unrideable and the off-camber was really sketchy.”

Dan Tulett (Hargroves Cycles) continued his unbeaten run of victories in the Under-14 category, with another very convincing win, while William Gascoyne (Heanor Clarion) was second and David Barnes (Condor Cycles) third, mirroring the positions in the overall series.

Matlock CC’s Sarah Lomas was fastest in the Under-16 female race, holding off Ffion James (Abergavenny RC), while Grace Garner (RST RT) took third.

“I didn’t expect that win, but I enjoyed the conditions – they suited me,” said Lomas. “I’m now looking forward to the National Championships and Shrewsbury for the final round.”

And in the Under-14 girls race, Henrietta Colbourne (Beacon Wheelers) won after series leader Charlotte Broughton (Leicester RC) fell heavily during practice and injured her hip. She rode on bravely, but could only finish second. Colbourne's win broke Broughton's unbeaten run in the series.

Series Standings - to catch up with the full implications of the Bradford results and to mark you card for the final round of the series, have a look at our series standings and review page.


Senior Men

1 Paul Oldham Hope Factory Racing 1 hour 9 mins 0s
2 Nick Craig Team Scott UK @ 0:28
3 Jody Crawforth Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 1:26
4 Lewis Craven Wheelbase.co.uk/Cannondale @ 1:32
5 Steven James Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec Under 23 @ 2:14
6 Dave Collins Hope Factory Racing @ 3:03
7 David Fletcher Boardman Elite @ 3:28
8 Lee Williams Team Wiggle @ 3:46
9 Kenta Gallagher Team Scott UK Under 23 @ 4:02
10 Daniel Booth Cult Racing @ 4:16
11 Jack Clarkson Hope Factory Racing Under 23 @ 4:55
12 Andrew Hargroves Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec Under 23 @ 6:04
13 William Bjergfelt Motorpoint Pro Cycling Team @ 6:10
14 Tom Last Sigma Sport/Specialized @ 6:22
15 Robert Watson Paul Milnes RT/Bradford Olympic Under 23 @ 6:36
16 Lee Westwood Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching Under 23 @ 7:04
17 Ian Taylor Craven Energy @ 7:22
18 Keith Murray Hope Factory Racing @ 7:35
19 Jamie Newall Team Corley Cycles/Cervelo/Alpha RT @ 7:45
20 Darren Barclay Arctic - Premier RT @ 8:00
21 Simon Maudsley Crosstrax @ 8:12
22 Tony Fawcett Blackhawkbikes.com @ 8:30
23 Matthew Barrett Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching @ 8:40
24 Crispin Doyle Swindon RC @ 8:50
25 Steven Clarke Wheelbase.co.uk/Cannondale @ 9:00
26 Lee Shunburne Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 9:10
27 Grant Ferguson Boardman Elite Under 23 @ 9:20
28 Taylor Johnstone Team de Ver Under 23 @ 9:30
29 James Thompson Hope Factory Racing @ 1 lap
30 Andrew Waterman Vicious Velo @ 1 lap
31 Andrew Nichols PCA Ciclos Uno/Squeezy/Isaac @ 1 lap
32 Dieter Droger Team Cystic Fibrosis @ 1 lap
33 James Dalton Evans Cycles RT @ 1 lap
34 Ben Spurrier Rapha Condor CC @ 1 lap
35 Malcolm Lewis MTS Cycle Sport/Inkland/Elvet RT @ 1 lap
36 Rob Partridge Endura Racing @ 1 lap
37 Ben Sumner Beeline Bicycles RT Under 23 @ 1 lap
38 Robert Burns Wolverhampton Whs/Fred Williams @ 1 lap
39 Paul Sheers Vicious Velo @ 1 lap
40 Colin Miller Coventry RC/Ridecov.co.uk @ 1 lap
41 Lewis Tamai-Wilson Ashfield RC Under 23 @ 1 lap
42 Bruce Dalton Individual Member Under 23 @ 1 lap
43 Hayden Wood Individual Member @ 1 lap
44 Martin Woffindin Cycle Sport Pendle Under 23 @ 1 lap
45 Jack Pullar Vanillabikes.com @ 1 lap

1 Annie Last Boardman Elite 35 m 37 s
2 Louise Robinson (V40) Stourbridge CC @ 0:06
3 Isla Rowntree(V40) Stourbridge CC @ 1:45
4 Delia Beddis Vicious Velo @ 2:7
5 Hannah Payton(J) The Kinesis Morvelo Project @ 2:11
6 Claire Beaumont Rapha Condor CC @ 4:30
7 Bethany Crumpton(J) Halesowen A & CC @ 4:52
8 Genevieve Whitson Individual Member @ 5:09
9 Alice Barnes (J) Motorpoint Cycling @ 6:24
10 Keira McVitty (J) www.buzzcycles.co.uk/Forme @ 7:15
11 Nikola Butler Inverse RT/Cyclaim.co.uk @ 7:22
12 Imogen Buick (J) Moda-Diablo Racing @ 8:02
13 Louise Mahe Mulebar Girl @ 11:10
14 Emily Barnes (J) Rapha Condor CC @ 11:56
15 Rebecca Keogh Solihull CC @ 1 lap

Junior Men
1 Joseph Moses Paul Milnes/Bradford Olympic RC 38 m 42 s
2 Hugo Robinson X RT/Elmy Cycles @ 1:19
3 Adam Martin Cestria Cycles RT @ 1:31
4 Tom Armstrong Wheelbase.co.uk/Cannondale @ 1:48
5 Alex Welburn Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching @ 1:53
6 Joe Kirkham Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 2:17
7 William Worrall Towy Racing CC @ 2:33
8 Jake Womersley Aire Valley RT @ 3:05
9 Harry Franklin Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 3:07
10 Edward McParland GT Racing UK @ 3:48
11 Nicholas Barnes www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG @ 4:03
12 Michael Thompson TEF / Richardsons RT @ 4:28
13 Matthew Hargroves Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 4:41
14 Iain Paton Square Wheel Cycles @ 5:07
15 Stuart Wilcox Innerleithen MTB Racing / I-Cycles @ 5:30
16 George Thompson Sleaford Wheelers CC @ 5:57
17 Edwyn Oliver-Evans Boneshakersbikes.com/Trek @ 6:25
18 Joseph Fox Rapha Condor CC @ 7:26
19 Matthew Woods Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 8:43
20 Joe Atkins Coventry RC/Ridecov.co.uk @ 9:22
21 Matthew Downes Seacroft Wheelers @ 1 lap

1 James Bryan www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG 38 m 32 s
2 Noel Clough Wheelbase.co.uk/Cannondale @ 0:42
3 Darren Atkins Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI @ 1:07
4 Duncan Walmsley www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG @ 1:57
5 Greg Simcock Team Corley Cycles/Cervelo/Alpha RC @ 2:6
6 Chris Young Wheelbase.co.uk/Cannondale @ 2:07
7 Sean Williams Wight Mountain @ 2:22
8 Jonathan Watson Charge Bikes @ 2:35
9 Michael Groves Stevens UK/Hargroves Cycles @ 2:42
10 Dave Haygarth Planet X @ 2:54
11 Peter Middleton www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG @ 3:10
12 Mike Young Pedalsport CC @ 3:23
13 Chris Taylor Pedalsport CC @ 3:23
14 Dan Cook Planet X @ 3:40
15 Philip Roach Rugby Velo @ 4:07
16 Jonathan Marshall www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG @ 4:29
17 Keith Sheridan Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 5:08
18 Andrew Peace Crosstrax @ 5:14
19 Kevin Knox Vicious Velo @ 5:47
20 John Mein Derwentside CC @ 5:55
21 Graham Clark Time RT @ 6:5
22 David Perry Gabby Day Cyclesport RT @ 6:10
23 Chris Green Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 6:22
24 John Hick Individual Member @ 6:33
25 Lee Edmonds Welland Valley CC @ 7:10
26 Stephen Booth Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 7:10
27 Richard Allen Here come the Belgians @ 7:49
28 Joseph Heywood Individual Member @ 8:48
29 Matthew Denby www.Zepnat.com RT/Kuota/GSG @ 8:56
30 Ian Chapman Moonglu RT @ 9:12
31 Matthew Enticknap Malton Wheelers RC @ 9:33
32 Steve Smales Boneshakerbikes.com/Trek @ 9:36
33 Dave Headon Horwich CC @ 9:50
34 John Wright Wakefield CC @ 9:57
35 Neil Simpson London Phoenix CC @ 10:20
36 Neil Hendry Dirtwheels Cycles @ 10:33
37 Nicholas Bates Belper BC @ 1 lap
38 David Jennaway Individual Member @ 1 lap
39 Paul Lamb Individual Member @ 1 lap
40 Mike Welburn Lichfield City CC @ 1 lap
41 Mark Botteley Bourne Wheelers CC @ 1 lap
42 Simon Pickard Individual Member @ 1 lap
43 Richard Barrett Ride On @ 1 lap
44 Andrew Faichney City Road Club (Hull) @ 1 lap
45 Charles Warren Individual Member @ 1 lap
46 Richard Atkinson Hambleton RC @ 1 lap
47 Clive Wilkinson Birkenhead North End CC @ 1 lap
48 Karl Prothero Individual Member @ 1 lap

Vet 50
1 Steven Davies Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis/CNP/MI 40 m 56 s
2 Mick Bell London Fire Brigade CC @ 1:17
3 Mick Davies Pedal Power Loughborough @ 2:14
4 Ian Wright Cycle Shack/Forme Coaching @ 2:51
5 Roy Hunt Dutch & Wolf Ltd. @ 2:58
6 Dave McMullen GWR Team/Swindon Cycles/High 5 @ 2:58
7 Mick Rowson RVO Racing @ 3:51
8 Malcolm Cross Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 4:06
9 Barry Kipling MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT @ 4:17
10 Duncan Stuart Keswickbikes.co.uk @ 4:18
11 Douglas Fox Crawley Wheelers @ 4:32
12 Peter Wilkin Fietsen Tempo/The House/Chapters @ 5:29
13 Martin Eadon Stevens UK/Hargroves Cycles @ 5 : 38
14 Kevin Payton Stourbridge CC @ 5:48
15 Philip Buick Iceni Velo @ 6:09
16 Steve Wilson MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT @ 6:41
17 Michael Perrin Ashfield RC @ 6 : 55
18 Alistair Dow Paul Milnes RT/Bradford Olympic RC @ 6:56
19 Robert Burns Wolverhampton Whs/Williams @ 7:06
20 Paul Dalton Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 9:14
21 Peter Mooney Rugby Velo @ 9:47
22 Paul Daly Pedalsport CC @ 9:55
23 Mervyn Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles/Co-op Motors @ 1 lap
24 John Ginley Condor RC @ 1 lap

Under-16 Male
1 Jack Ravenscroft Solihull CC 34 m 44 s
2 Dylan Kerfoot-Robson Rhos on Sea CC @ 1:01
3 Arthur Green Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 1:34
4 Sean Dunlea PCA Ciclos Uno/Squeezy/Isaac @ 2:03
5 James Shaw Heanor Clarion CC @ 2:43
6 Joseph Fry Welwyn Wheelers CC @ 3:06
7 Tomas Franklin Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 3:27
8 Thomas Craig Team Scott UK @ 3:40
9 Fabian Brennan Salt Ayre Cog Set @ 4:02
10 Thomas Butler VC Deal/Activ/Hammond/Rowland/Nico @ 4:16
11 Sebastian Marsh Paul Milnes RT/ Bradford Olympic @ 4:29
12 James Edmond Ferryhill Whs CC/Mountain High @ 4:50
13 Luke Morgan Welwyn Wheelers CC @ 5:16
14 Christopher Barnes Seacroft Wheelers @ 5:23
15 Billy Harding Paul Milnes RT/ Bradford Olympic @ 5:23
16 Daniel Fox Solihull CC @ 5:23
17 Stephen Lee Hetton Hawks CC @ 5:46
18 Harvey Lowe Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec @ 6:01
19 William Perrett Heanor Clarion CC @ 6:27
20 Theo Doncaster CC Ashwell @ 6:38
21 Tom Weeds Derby Mercury RC @ 6:56
22 Matthew Worton Hetton Hawks CC @ 7:28
23 Robert Rogers Birkenhead North End CC @ 7:42
24 Jack King Langdale Lightweights RT @ 7:43
25 Oliver Maxwell VC Rutland/Rutland Cycling.com @ 7:57
26 Robert Armstrong Bill Nickson Cycles RT @ 8:29
27 Sean Noon Edinburgh RC/The Bicycleworks.com @ 8:56
28 Cameron Woolsey CC Ashwell @ 9:21
29 Rory Mellis Discovery Junior CC @ 10:53
30 Jack Fillingham East Bradford CC @ 11:26
31 Gregg Booker Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns @ 11:57
32 Edward Fletcher Cairngorm CC @ 12:9
33 William Cheaney Individual Member @ 1 lap
34 Joshua Nelson Halesowen A & CC @ 1 lap
35 Conor Palliser East Bradford CC @ 1 lap

Under-16 Female
1 Sarah Lomas Matlock CC/Chubb/Farmers/Wards/Fearns 44 m 0 s
2 Ffion James Abergavenny RC/Nick Lane/Govilon/Gateway @ 0:38
3 Grace Garner RST Racing Team - Trigon @ 3:3
4 Jessica Wilkinson Birkenhead North End CC @ 3:36
5 Abby-Mae Parkinson RST Racing Team - Trigon @ 4:23
6 Abigail van Twisk VC Londres @ 5:03
7 Amira Mellor Holme Valley Wheelers @ 5:19
8 Martha Gill Bolton Hot Wheels CC @ 6:17
9 Hannah Saville North Midlands Youth Squad @ 8:58
10 Rosie Crumpton Halesowen A & CC @ 9:22
11 Sian Botteley Bourne Wheelers CC @ 12:36

Under-14 Male
1 Daniel Tulett Hargroves Cycles/Trant/Next/Spec 38 m 52 s
2 William Gascoyne Heanor Clarion CC @ 2:08
3 David Barnes Condor Cycles @ 3:00
4 Ewan Grivell-Mellor Mid Shropshire Wheelers @ 4:12
5 Matthew Walls Velocity RT @ 4:17
6 Alfie Moses Bronte Wheelers/Neophix Engineering @ 5:16
7 Oliver Peckover Nottingham Clarion CC @ 6:10
8 Anthony Anderson Kingston Wheelers CC @ 7:19
9 Miles Worner Teesdale CRC @ 7:45
10 Joshua Waters Plan B Racing @ 9:21
11 Thomas Mein MTS Cyclesport/Inkland/Elvet RT @ 9:39
12 Adam Hartley Eastlands Velo @ 10:32
13 Elliot Dudley Sherwood Pines Cycles/Co-op Motors @ 11:18
14 Mark Donovan Beacon Wheelers @ 13:32
15 Scott Hookway Sherwood Pines Cycles/Co-op Motors @ 13:48
16 Jacob Feetham Wakefield Junior Tri Club @ 14:12
17 Joseph Peatfield Bolton Hot Wheels CC @ 1 lap
18 Jake Dobson Newcastle Phoenix CC @ 1 lap
19 Joseph Faichney City Road Club (Hull) @ 1 lap
20 Tim James Bourne Wheelers CC @ 1 lap
21 Joe Williams Holme Valley Wheelers @ 1 lap
22 Bradley Dransfield North Midlands Youth Squad @ 1 lap
23 Bailey Wilmot Derby Mercury RC @ 1 lap

Under-14 Female
1 Henrietta Colbourne Beacon Wheelers 33 m 5 s
2 Charlotte Broughton Leicestershire RC @ 0:34
3 Jessica Willett Heanor Clarion CC @ 7:55
4 Emma Brady Team Scott Contessa @ 9:43
5 Madeleine Gammons Bourne Wheelers CC @ 1 lap

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.